Learning Together Non-Verbal Reasoning Book 2, Multiple Choice
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Learning Together Non-Verbal Reasoning Book 2, Multiple Choice

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   ISBN 9781873385319
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ISBN 9781873385319

This series of non-verbal reasoning books has been designed by an experienced headmaster and deputy head. 

The books are an essential aid in preparing children for 11-plus and similar secondary school selection, and complement the existing series of verbal reasoning books.

The tests - comprising 375 questions in five tests, each taking about 40-minutes - have been developed and tested extensively in the classroom and are suitable for children from 10 years upwards. The tests include mathematical problems and aim to develop areas of reasoning other than with words. 

Instructions are kept to a minimum and most answers are of multiple-choice type. (Answers included).

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    • Ships
      Within 1 business day
    • ISBN-10
    • ISBN-13
    • Published
      23 Feb 2006
    • Format
    • Author
      Stephen McConkey
    • Subject
      Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Age Group Start
    • Age Group Up To
    • Number of Pages
    • Bundled
    • Product Type
  • Manufacturers
    • Manufacturer
      Learning Together
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