ISBN: 9780955590948
This book contains the same comprehension passages as Standard Set One but offers totally different questions in multiple-choice format.
The book includes 10 different composition topics, contextually based spelling tests, punctuation, grammar and syntax tests within a story format plus all the answers and a detailed mark scheme.
It is ideal for revision and practice at KS 2/3, for preparation for 11+, Common Entrance and Independent School examinations. Contains 5 Test Papers and 10 Compositions.
Ideal for: Year 5, 6 & 7; Entrance Examinations, School Examinations, Revision and Practice.
This book will:
* Prepare students for eleven plus examinations for grammar school entrance
*Provide comprehension practice for entrance examinations to independent and private schools
*Provide tips and advice to assist the development of comprehension skills
*Provide tips and advice to develop the creative writing skills needed for examinations
*Provide revision and practice for school students in years 5 – 7
*Help with the preparation of school examinations
*Provide easy to use and detailed answers plus a mark scheme